Bob Mortimer



The Fight

Families at War

Never Mind the Buzzcocks (guest captain)

Shooting Stars

Show Me the Funny (guest judge)

29 Minutes of Fame


Bob Mortimer was working as a solicitor when he went along to one of Vic Reeves' early stand-up shows. Introduced by a mutual friend, Vic and Bob found they shared a similar comic sensibility, and formed a double act that endures to this day.


He suffers from an unusually early onset of arthritis and has to take steroids to keep it under control.

He is co-founder, with Vic Reeves and Shooting Stars producer Lisa Clark, of Pett Productions. As well as producing Vic 'n' Bob's own shows, the company also made the short-lived competitive variation on the Cash in the Attic concept, Star Sale.

Books / Tapes

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars (audio cassette)


PBJ Management Ltd, 7 Soho Street, London, W1D 3DQ

Web links

PBJ Management page

IMDb entry

Wikipedia entry


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